Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The emergency management plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The emergency management plan - Case Study Example In addition, it should contact health care systems in other areas to inform them of possible relocation to their site. The GIS should be able to help identify the locations that are both near and safe for relocation (US Fire Administration, 2011). During a widespread disaster, deployment of multiple ICPs allows the situation to be handled by knowledgeable and adept respondents. For example, criminal situations are handled by the police, injuries are attended to by medical personnel, and fire or threat to property are responded by the fire department (Leander ISD, 2011). Each facility should have their own emergency management plan acting as an independent ICP. The EOC, in turn, should have a detailed description of each facility uploaded to its GIS (US Fire Administration, 2011). This facilitates the EOC decide on which particular facilities need quick assistance based on what the facility possesses and what the emergency calls for. For example, after receiving information from the D irector’s office, the hospital must implement developed plans to ready the facility once storm comes. Through its commander, the hospital director, a certain group of personnel is to stay indoors unless otherwise directed. This facility has determined to be self-sustainment for a minimum of 96-hours without community assistance. While the hospital staff and other affected facility stay indoors, the EOC should get a list of supplies available to the possibly relocated individuals from the Nuitrition and Food Service of the staff that can be deployed before disaster strikes. Beforehand, this should be stored close to an area usually hit by disasters, as determined through GIS, for easy access and transfer (US Fire Administration, 2011). If an evacuation order is received from the Director’s office, the EOC will initiate relocation of patients and personnel. ICPs, in turn, should provide daily situation reports during and after disaster. Once the disaster is over, the EOC , through the ICPs, should initiate recovery by returning to functional facilities and building new infrastructures. For example, the police is in charge of maintaining community safety and protection of limited supplies. Aside from radio communications, the EOC will also establish an ICP to maintain a website for staff, patients, and family members to receive information before, during, and after the storm through the Internet. The use of the Internet has been a common alternative form of communication during disaster (University of Texas, 2012). However, since telephone, radio and Internet may be out of service during such situations efficient transfer of information through verbal communication and wtitten memo is necessary (GOI-UNDP, 2011). Training for the efficient means to communicate through these means is needed. Bomb Threat Plan Preparation from such threat shall also include training of personnel to record exact wording of a threat, a caller’s indecisive or contrad ictory answers to questions asked, and the caller’s voice description, which will aid the Director in

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